Adventurous Spirit

Adventurous Spirit

Sunday, May 26, 2019

On the Precipice of Adventure

The cursor blinks and blinks and blinks. I don't know where to start and I'm not sure where the ending began. But we're here. At a place that has always seemed far, far in the distance, and yet, it has sped right past without warning!

Our last child has graduated high school and is preparing to go away to college. My days of mothering in the only way I've ever known, have come to an end. I've tried to prepare, I've worked to slow down, to breathe deeper and to be immersed in every "last" moment. For, these will never come again. There are no do overs. There are no re-runs. It's done. I'm done. And so, here we are. Here we all are!

After all the planning, preparing and celebrating have ended, we are in a new, unknown, untraveled place. Each of us on the edge of going our separate ways; of family life existing in a new dimension; of separation and of letting go of everything we've known, until this moment.

What will come? We all have plans to be sure! Yet, we know it is all just a mystery. We will move ahead into the next day, and the next, and the next, living in the mystery. For a mystery it surely all is. So what remains? It is only this, it is all it has ever been. LOVE! Truly, this is all we really have. We work, and go to school, and play, and strive, yet, when the sum of it is examined, the most important thing was love. How we gave it, how we received it, and how we will continue to pass it on.

And so, I have come to understand, LOVE has always been my life-work and will continue to be; to find ways to love better, love more, and work everyday to become love in bigger ways than yesterday. What that means remains the mystery, the delicious unknown that is the living of everyday.

Tomorrow, the beginning of the Next Great Adventure, we set out to travel the Wild Lands and to find ways to love deeper, to serve humans wherever we go, and to allow the Mystery to live through us.

You are invited to join us on our travels and share what you do to Do and Be Love!

In Love,
Road Gypsy

Ever Changing Path

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