Adventurous Spirit

Adventurous Spirit

Friday, July 20, 2012

Sisters on the Fly-Christmas in July

Last weekend was our Christmas in July trip.  The weather has been hot and dry for months, with the an ever-present threat of wildfires.  But the rains started coming about a week or two before our trip and the forest became a cool green place to find respite from the Valley's heat.  What a delight to spend 4 days and nights with my adventurous Sisters on the Fly.  We cooked, kayaked, hiked, fished (delicious trout dinner on Saturday-thanks fisher-women), laughed, painted, napped, sang, played and enjoyed each others company til it was time to go home.  Thank you Sisters for another weekend of rest and fun!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Through a serendipitous turn of events, I was able to spend 3 peaceful days in Oak Creek Canyon while attending a conference in Sedona.  With new responsibilities as President for Az NAPNAP, tons of school work, the stress from changes at work and home concerns, it was a much needed break away.  The lush green trees, cool night air and constant music of the creek soothed and quieted my troubles.  I spent simple time resting, eating, reading and writing.  Once again, a retreat and a sanctuary.

Ever Changing Path

Most of the time, we mortals assume our life is on a predictable and planned path. We want to believe we have control over what our days wil...